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Our Partners

As a globally engaged institution, 威尼斯人网上娱乐不断寻求与高等教育机构的合作, government, and non-governmental entities throughout the world.

威尼斯人网上娱乐目前在13个国家保持着19个积极的合作伙伴关系. 正是通过这些伙伴关系,创新和协作项目得以发展, such as joint faculty research, student travel seminars and customized short-term programs. 这些伙伴关系的目标是扩大全球学生学习和教职员工参与的机会.


University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt 


About this Partner 

The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, or Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt (FHWN), is located south of Vienna. 该机构提供多个专业领域的课程,是该国第一个也是最大的 fachhochschule. 该机构开设了一门名为“国际商业咨询”的课程。, which is exclusively taught in English. 

Established in 2005, the partnership between Drake and FHWN has consisted largely of faculty and student exchange. M威尼斯人网上娱乐商学院的多位教员访问了奥地利 & Public Administration and the College of Pharmacy & 开展合作项目,扩大国际学生的机会. Drake has also welcomed FHWN faculty on campus to participate in International Education Week.  

Type of Agreement: Faculty/Staff Exchange, Student Exchange


Universidad de los Andes


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Universidad de los Andes (UANDES) is located in Santiago, at the foot of the Andes Mountains. They offer a short-term exchange program called GO UANDES which provides Drake students a unique opportunity to experience the local culture and learn from Chilean professors and peers about topics such as leadership, Economics, Politics, and social trends of Chile and the region. Established in 2015, 威尼斯人网上娱乐和安第斯大学之间的合作主要包括学生交换, 教员合作和短期体验式学习项目.  

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Student Exchange


Minzu University of China 


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Minzu 大学位于北京市区,以其民族多样性而自豪. Since signing a Memorandum of Understanding in 2013, 两所大学的学生和教师参与了交流和研究合作. Notably, Drake Professor Tim Knepper led a collaborative project with colleagues at Minzu 支持学生对北京不同宗教群体的研究和文献记录. 该项目获得了全球紧迫问题资助 Nelson Institute and resulted in a bi-lingual book, Religions of Beijing, being published in 2020. 

Type of Agreement: 谅解备忘录、学生交换、教职员工交换

Qingdao University


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青岛大学位于中国东部黄海之滨的山东省. 该大学提供跨学科的本科和研究生课程, including literature, history, science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, law, education, and art. In 2022, 在世界大学排名中,青岛大学有四项上榜, including Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities, QS Asia University Rankings, and Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.

威尼斯人网上娱乐和青岛于2022年9月签署了合作谅解备忘录(MOU), 哪些将促进联合课程项目的发展, faculty and staff development, student engagement, and collaborative research.

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding


Southwest University of Political Science and Law 


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西南政法大学是中国历史最悠久的政法大学之一, located in Chongqing. 威尼斯人网上娱乐与西南太平洋大学的合作始于2003年,并已发展到解决两所大学的多个战略倡议, including activities such as transfer programs, administrative exchanges of best practices, and faculty exchange. 

Over the past four years, 威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院(Drake Law School)定期在校园举办SWUPL学生的定制秋季学期课程.S. legal system. In 2019, 24名SWUPL学生参加了大得梅因地区的活动, such as visiting an international law firm, observing an actual jury trial, and attending a panel by leading women mediators.   

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding

University of International Business and Economics 


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对外经济贸易大学位于北京, with courses in business, economics, finance, management, law and foreign languages. Each summer, the 这所大学邀请来自世界各地著名大学的教授在他们的国际暑期班授课.  

Since signing a Memorandum of Understanding in 2012, multiple Drake faculty from the College of Business & 公共行政学院和法学院曾作为客座讲师访问中国. In addition to faculty exchange, 对外经贸大学与威尼斯人网上娱乐的合作为学生提供了短期体验式学习. In 2018, UIBE hosted 67 Drake football players during a May travel seminar.    

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding


Nantes Université


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Nantes Université is located in the city of Nantes in western France. It was originally founded in 1460, 但在法国大革命后关闭,直到1962年才重新开放. 威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院一直积极与南特大学进行教师和学生交流. Drake has hosted nearly 80 exchange students from Nantes, 定期的夏季法国旅行研讨会是威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院学生的热门项目. 

Type of Agreement: 谅解备忘录,法律学生交换和暑期项目,研究生项目招聘


Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences 


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Pravara 医学科学研究所(PIMS)位于马哈拉施特拉邦的艾哈迈德纳加尔区, in the western peninsular region of India. The university 它的母公司提供各种学科的课程, including medicine, biosciences, rural health and Ayurveda.  

The Drake College of Pharmacy & 自成立以来,健康科学一直积极维持这一伙伴关系stablished in 2012. The International Health Topics 印度旅游研修班是j学期学生的热门选择, 多个教员在合作研究和教学方面结成了伙伴关系. Notably, 威尼斯人网上娱乐教授Pramod Mahajan正在领导一个联合研究项目,探索将西医与阿育吠陀疗法结合起来治疗非传染性疾病的方法. This work received a Global Pressing Issues Grant from the Nelson Institute.

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Faculty/Staff Exchange, International Experience in Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Kwansei Gakuin University 


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Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU) is located in Nishinomiya in western Japan. It is colloquially known as KangakuSince signing a Memorandum of Understanding in 2006, KGU和Drake之间的合作伙伴关系主要由教师和学生交换组成. KGU仍然是威尼斯人网上娱乐学生出国留学的热门目的地. 威尼斯人网上娱乐也欢迎昆山大学的教职员工参加威尼斯人网上娱乐周.  

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Student Exchange

Learn more about student exchange at KGU


Kosovo Ministry of Education 

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威尼斯人网上娱乐与科索沃教育部的合作始于2016年8月在得梅因成立的科索沃特派团, with a formal agreement signed with Drake in 2017. Drake has since hosted several high-level delegations, 包括科索沃总理和副总理的访问.  

与科索沃教育部和其他实体的合作是多方面的, 威尼斯人网上娱乐-科索沃伙伴关系继续为教师创造独特的机会, staff and students. For example, the School of Education has led teaching workshops at universities in Kosovo; Drake students and faculty participated in a 2019 J-term travel seminar, Kosovo: Repairing and Rebuilding; and a Drake graduate worked in Kosovo at the Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims as part of Drake’s Working Worldwide program.  

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding 

American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo

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威尼斯人网上娱乐于2021年4月与科索沃美国商会(AmCham)建立了合作伙伴关系. AmCham is a "not-for-profit, 由其成员成立的非政府组织,目的是支持发展美国和欧盟之间的互利经济关系.S. and Kosovo. AmCham serves as a key partner for the Working Worldwide: Kosovo program, 为威尼斯人网上娱乐的应届毕业生提供在选定的合作机构在科索沃工作一年的机会. Placements are facilitated in close partnership with AmCham, 其具体立场部分是通过使个别参与者与科索沃有关组织相匹配而确定的. 

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding 

University of Prishtina


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威尼斯人网上娱乐于2023年10月与普里什蒂纳大学(“哈桑普里什蒂纳”)建立了合作关系. 这项学术合作协议将扩大爱荷华州与科索沃之间现有的牢固关系, facilitating educational, cultural, 以及大学之间的研究合作,包括交换学生, faculty, scholars, and staff. Located in Kosovo’s capital city, 普里什蒂纳大学是该国最大的高等教育机构. 他们为30,000多名学生提供广泛的学术课程. 

这项合作协议是在科索沃总统埃尔多安博士的一次特别访问期间宣布的. Vjosa Osmani, to Drake on October 25, 2023. Learn more

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding


Taylor's University 


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威尼斯人网上娱乐与泰勒大学的合作关系是在2021年9月签署的谅解备忘录建立的. Taylor's is a private institution of higher learning, offering more than 100 undergraduate and graduate degrees. Prior to signing a global partnership agreement, 威尼斯人网上娱乐欢迎泰勒的学生来到校园,作为他们的 American Degree Transfer Program (ADP),其中泰勒的学生完成他们的前两年的学习泰勒和最后两年的学习在美国.S. university.

Throughout 2021, 威尼斯人网上娱乐商学院和公共管理学院的教员, the College of Arts and Sciences, 药学与健康科学学院与泰勒学院的教师和学生进行了虚拟合作,作为他们的U.S. Lecture Series.

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding




About this Partner 

Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC) has more than 36 campuses across Mexico. 该机构实施了一种独特的教育模式,叫做 Tec21, driven by challenge-based learning. 他们也是全球虚拟学习的领导者 Tec Global Classroom initiative. 

TEC has been a partner with Drake since 2011这种伙伴关系为教职员工和学生提供了无数的机会 across many disciplinesThis includes regular short-term travel seminars, global service-learning programs, and faculty collaboration on research, teaching and curriculum development.  

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Student Exchange 

Learn more about student exchange at Tec


Balboa Academy


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Balboa Academy is an international school that offers a U.S. 从学前班到12年级的课程教育. The language of instruction is English. 学校位于巴拿马城的知识城校区. 


Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Student Teaching

City of Knowledge


About this Partner 

The City of Knowledge, or Cuidad del Saber, 位于巴拿马,距离巴拿马市中心只有几分钟的路程,对面就是巴拿马运河. It is a site where "entrepreneurs, scientists, thinkers, artists, community leaders, as well as experts from the government, NGOs, 国际组织共同努力,制定引发社会变革的倡议." 

2023年3月,总统马蒂·马丁访问巴拿马期间,威尼斯人网上娱乐与知识之城正式建立了伙伴关系, in which he signed a Cooperation Agreement. 自2018年以来,威尼斯人网上娱乐校园内的各种教职员工一直在培养合作.

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding

South Africa

University of KwaZulu-Natal 


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夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省大学(UKZN)在沿海省份夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省有五个校区. 该机构提供多个专业领域的课程. UKZN-Drake合作伙伴关系成立于2007年,包括教师和学生交流, and joint faculty research.  

三位UKZN澳门威尼斯人网站于2020年3月访问威尼斯人网上娱乐,参加全球公民论坛的纪录片放映和小组讨论 titled, “准备好了没有:南非大学黑人学生的经历.“威尼斯人网上娱乐正在与UKZN合作,举办一次关于高等教育公平和包容的全球会议 in 2021. 

Type of Agreement: 谅解备忘录,教职员工交流,学生交流


Nebrija University 


About this Partner 

Universidad Nebrija is located in Madrid and offers courses in multiple areas of specialization. 这所大学有一个专门教授西班牙语言和文化的中心. Since signing an Exchange Agreement in 2004, 这种伙伴关系主要由教师和学生交换组成. The School of Journalism & 大众传媒也欢迎一位新闻学教授来学校参加威尼斯人网上娱乐周. 

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Student Exchange


Makerere University Business School 


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马凯雷雷大学商学院(MUBS)位于坎帕拉,提供商业和管理课程. 威尼斯人网上娱乐与MUBS的关系多年来通过当地合作伙伴网络得到加强, both in Des Moines and in Uganda.  

哈佛商业管理学院和威尼斯人网上娱乐之间持续时间最长的活动之一是联合学生研讨会项目. Drake and MUBS students are paired in Uganda for a three-week seminar on sustainable development; the following spring, the Ugandan students travel to the U.S. for a leadership seminar on Drake’s campus. 这个完整的项目允许真正的跨文化体验, 包括围绕乌干达和美国相关主题的对话.S. contexts.  

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Short-term Experiential Learning Programs 

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